@everyone. Dear community,. We are pleased to provide an update on the progress of (ARENA GAME) and (TESTNET).

09 Dec 2022, 18:50
@everyone Dear community, We are pleased to provide an update on the progress of (ARENA GAME) and (TESTNET). In regards (ARENA GAME), our team has been working hard to understand the project, meeting and coordinating with the team to determine the best approach. We have discussed and pre-tested the pros and cons of the tech stack to ensure maximum benefit. Servers have been discussed, pre-tested, and rented to meet our needs. We have also determined a rough holistic structure for the game, which has been used to create a technical MVP roadmap. This structure has been divided into sub-tasks by the development team. Rough mirror-based P2P and Server Authoritative communication protocol codes have also been written. Currently, players can set up rooms on the local server, and a simple interface is being prepared for this. On the (TESTNET) front, we have completely rebuilt the testnet from scratch. The new team has reviewed and understood all game codes, frontend, and backend. We have precisely tested all gaming functionalities and identified the urgent requirements for the future of the Starship. Testnet and mainnet have been perfectly synchronized, and the code of reactjs has been fixed to pave the way for future improvements. We have also made many minor quality-of-life improvements and deployed them to testnet and mainnet. Going forward, the development team is fully prepared to push constant visible weekly updates to Starship's gaming environment. Thank you for your continued support. Best regards, The Development Team