It appears Alpha Origins is aiming to stir things up just before our launch.

31 Jul 2023, 15:01
It appears Alpha Origins is aiming to stir things up just before our launch. They control 3 of the 25 stations in our game, so it's crucial we set the record straight. We will delay our launch until Sunday to provide time to deal grifters / opportunists. Lets make sure when we rally past all time highs that we aren't carrying any dead weight. This reminds me of just last week when a station owner launched an attack at us claiming we didn't honor our agreement by sending them their station NFT or pay them NFT royalties. After digging through old messages we found his employee had the nft. And our smart contract pays station owners each time a user mines on a planet. And closer inspection found he didn't honor his agreement. Did he appologize, no he didn't. But a lot of people throw around accusations at starship team and community. But after closer look we find the exact thing they are claiming we do, they are doing. Our foundation for this rally is strong and backed by great products and an even better community. Its important that we remove weak / disingenuous partners to ensure the integrity of our foundation is not compromised.