Marketing: We are currently in negotiations with a marketing company and looking into other marketing companies as well.

29 Jul 2022, 18:44
Marketing: We are currently in negotiations with a marketing company and looking into other marketing companies as well. Marketing has not been pushed hardcore in the last few months because we are in a bear market and trying to get SSU content to the point where when we do market, enough content exists to excite people and answer their questions. I can't share exactly what the marketing plans are or when marketing will be turned on. However, understand that marketing and growing the community are just as important to us, if not even more important, than it is to you. We have put a lot of thought into the strategy and direction of the business, and maybe that doesn't always make sense to everyone from the outside looking in, but we ask that you guys trust us and bear with us. We're working through everything, and juggling a lot of variables. Even in a bear market we continue to deliver better product and are looking grow the community together. Stay StarShip Strong family. ❤️❤️