Quick update on EVM². Its been on mainet for 2 days now for stealth launch tests just to double check each function.

29 Aug 2023, 03:41
Quick update on EVM². Its been on mainet for 2 days now for stealth launch tests just to double check each function. Over 18 tokens added by admins. We will do a softlaunch soon followed by an official launch with marketing. I would like to explain that evm² is like AAVE, dex staking and arbitrage wrapped into one single product. But lets compare a dex lp stake to evm² stake. The dex stake will split 0.17% of trade volume between all stakers in a liquidity pool. Evm² had a mining operation on a 100$ pool and utilized 20$ of game and user funds. Had that 20$ volume been used on a pancake pool they would have made 3.4cents But instead with evm², they made $1.80 minus gas. This is why I say, "evm² stake makes 10-1000x more than any other stake on the market that is not a ponzi scheme". You can quote me on that. Now to my ask... Our userbase is somewhat in to staking. We stake nfts to earn kyanite. We gamified evm² so we could appeal to our userbase. But, if you know anyone who is into staking, I would like to show them what we have. Ask them to make a ticket in our discord and I will personally show them how evm² will change the staking game by extracting value from market fluctuations and cutting out the middle man. Thanks for reading! Will announce soft launch soon