Today, September 18, I noticed the Kyanitelpnft wallet made an unauthorized withdrawal of WAX from the Kyanite liquidity pool th
18 Sep 2022, 22:07
Today, September 18, I noticed the Kyanitelpnft wallet made an unauthorized withdrawal of WAX from the Kyanite liquidity pool this afternoon to a KuCoin wallet. The Kyanite in that pool remained intact; we have now moved it into the StarShipGame wallet.
I made contact with the CEO and Business Development Manager of Kucoin. Kucoin have now frozen the account that the stolen LP was transferred to. Our attorney is also sending a request for information to Kucoin, as they cannot provide more information about the account until a formal request to do so is made.
After further investigation we noticed that it was the owner keys that did the withdrawal. The only owner keys I have access to are starshipnfts, not kyanitelpnft (for that I have active keys).
Asle has access to the owner keys and is looking at who else he gave owner access to. He will make a statement shortly.
We don't believe Onikami has owner keys, as they originally helped us set up active keys via Zoom.
We are investigating this and will answer any of your questions and provide you with more information as soon as we can.
Same news in other sources
820 Sep 2022, 12:21
STARSHIP telegram news 20 September 2022 12:21
19 Sep 2022, 23:28
On a positive note we have hired a full-time artist and will be releasing our 100 creatures, heroes etc soon... October for the first release???
Also, I am in Puerto Rico now!!! We will have our office this week...
On a positive note we have hired a full-time artist and will be releasing our 100 creatures, heroes etc soon.
On a positive note we have hired a full-time artist and will be releasing our 100 creatures, heroes etc soon... October for the first release???
Also, I am in Puerto Rico now!!! We will have our office this week...
19 Sep 2022, 22:13
The same ex wife tymor is hiding money from is also the same one that wont let him see his child. Yes its the same tymor who calls himself saint... lets get her on beyondFOMO. Ill give her 5k usd or cad whatever she chooses to let us know publicly how he treated her. Give her jasons info. Lets see who is honest... how difficult would it be to prove the money sent to ssu devs came from money hidden from her?? 🤔
How many times have you been audited because of this? 🤐
The same ex wife tymor is hiding money from is also the same one that wont let him see his child.
The same ex wife tymor is hiding money from is also the same one that wont let him see his child. Yes its the same tymor who calls himself saint... lets get her on beyondFOMO. Ill give her 5k usd or cad whatever she chooses to let us know publicly how he treated her. Give her jasons info. Lets see who is honest... how difficult would it be to prove the money sent to ssu devs came from money hidden from her?? 🤔
How many times have you been audited because of this? 🤐
19 Sep 2022, 21:45
"My word is gold" - Tymor
*goes back on every agreement ever made* - Also Tymor
"My word is gold" - Tymor. *goes back on every agreement ever made* - Also Tymor.
"My word is gold" - Tymor
*goes back on every agreement ever made* - Also Tymor
19 Sep 2022, 19:29
Jason beyondFOMO is going to do a coffeezilla style story on on everything thats been claimed. Like I said on twitter, lets see who the liars and thieves are. He will have access to my text messages, telegram messages, emails, bank accounts, blockchain records, centralized exchange records, everything...
Brandon, bully, tymor, Jamye. Lets see you offer the same
Jason beyondFOMO is going to do a coffeezilla style story on on everything thats been claimed.
Jason beyondFOMO is going to do a coffeezilla style story on on everything thats been claimed. Like I said on twitter, lets see who the liars and thieves are. He will have access to my text messages, telegram messages, emails, bank accounts, blockchain records, centralized exchange records, everything...
Brandon, bully, tymor, Jamye. Lets see you offer the same
19 Sep 2022, 15:47
STARSHIP telegram news 19 September 2022 15:47
19 Sep 2022, 15:22
Last year Sonar, a company I was a part of entered into a marketing agreement with a token called $TYPH.
We were to List and market their token.
We paid for the listing and marketing fees out of pocket and held the tokens. Their socials increased 100s of percent and holders increased almost 3x. But their price continued to decline.
Not only did we personally invest in their project but we were also given tokens for this service.
One of their admins came to me and said the community was mad about the price reduction and we were being accused of not performing our duties and that the leaders of this group were planning to blacklist our wallets.
I called the CEO at the time and was instructed to sell all the tokens.
What they failed to mention in their article is we tracked all of our marketing, we completed all of our tasks and while we wanted to attach our services to their project indefinitely we were left with no choice but to sell.
I moved on to work on starship and eventually became partners with asle the one who took ownership of starship from the original owners.
What typhoon devs did was go off to rug multiple tokens most notable of their rugs was "Moonbar". There are youtube videos about this online.
This article can easily be proven false if you ask 3 simple questions.
1. Show me the contract between typh and sonar.
2. Show me the holder increase from when marketing started to when it ended.
3. Show me the social media engagement on all channels when marketing started to when it stopped.
This information is being dishonestly used to cover up the fact that multiple things have been unlawfully taken from starship team and community.
1. After an audit on our books 109k was sent to Tymor for developers.
2. Tymor sent us a message stating he would upgrade the game we were paying for to 3d. Without consent, he just did it. He said he paid it and we could provide whatever we wanted for this addition. We offered an equal percentage of our holding company and he accepted.
3. We provided was 1/3rd ownership in starship holding company Puerto Rico. Our tax attorney said he was added to it before the vegas event.
4. Tymor never sent us receipts for additional work. He said on one occasion that he couldn't send us receipts for our payments because the money he paid the developers came from an account he was hiding from his ex wife.
5. He later changed that claim to he couldn't send us the receipts because it would open him up to tax implications because he paid his employees in crypto.
6. Tymor never sent additional invoices claiming we owed him more money. We operated with the understanding that we would pay for the market of the product and he would pay for development until plot sales started. The payment received on his part outside of the initial contract was equal ownership.
7. Tymor operated as a partner voted on key issues in starship up until shortly before the product was to launch where he tried to renegotiate our deal.
8. One of our last offers he was trying to pay us a fraction of what we put in to starship universe and make monthly payments to us as if we gave him a loan.
9. Starship has a contract stating that it owns 100% of the IP. We have messages from Tymor stating he was upgrading this 2d game to 3d. The same game we own 100% of the Ip.
10. We have a written agreement and our verbal agreement and meetings are recorded.
11. I asked the core team to not market or promote SSU as soon as the dispute came up regarding ownership of SSU.
12. Both Tymor and Jamye disregarded this request amd continued to push a product under our brand that could potentially never launch under it.
13. Our attorney requested that this information be made public immediately because we could be at risk for "fraudulent concealment" if we continued to make sales on a product with the current information we have.
Last year Sonar, a company I was a part of entered into a marketing agreement with a token called $TYPH.
Last year Sonar, a company I was a part of entered into a marketing agreement with a token called $TYPH.
We were to List and market their token.
We paid for the listing and marketing fees out of pocket and held the tokens. Their socials increased 100s of percent and holders increased almost 3x. But their price continued to decline.
Not only did we personally invest in their project but we were also given tokens for this service.
One of their admins came to me and said the community was mad about the price reduction and we were being accused of not performing our duties and that the leaders of this group were planning to blacklist our wallets.
I called the CEO at the time and was instructed to sell all the tokens.
What they failed to mention in their article is we tracked all of our marketing, we completed all of our tasks and while we wanted to attach our services to their project indefinitely we were left with no choice but to sell.
I moved on to work on starship and eventually became partners with asle the one who took ownership of starship from the original owners.
What typhoon devs did was go off to rug multiple tokens most notable of their rugs was "Moonbar". There are youtube videos about this online.
This article can easily be proven false if you ask 3 simple questions.
1. Show me the contract between typh and sonar.
2. Show me the holder increase from when marketing started to when it ended.
3. Show me the social media engagement on all channels when marketing started to when it stopped.
This information is being dishonestly used to cover up the fact that multiple things have been unlawfully taken from starship team and community.
1. After an audit on our books 109k was sent to Tymor for developers.
2. Tymor sent us a message stating he would upgrade the game we were paying for to 3d. Without consent, he just did it. He said he paid it and we could provide whatever we wanted for this addition. We offered an equal percentage of our holding company and he accepted.
3. We provided was 1/3rd ownership in starship holding company Puerto Rico. Our tax attorney said he was added to it before the vegas event.
4. Tymor never sent us receipts for additional work. He said on one occasion that he couldn't send us receipts for our payments because the money he paid the developers came from an account he was hiding from his ex wife.
5. He later changed that claim to he couldn't send us the receipts because it would open him up to tax implications because he paid his employees in crypto.
6. Tymor never sent additional invoices claiming we owed him more money. We operated with the understanding that we would pay for the market of the product and he would pay for development until plot sales started. The payment received on his part outside of the initial contract was equal ownership.
7. Tymor operated as a partner voted on key issues in starship up until shortly before the product was to launch where he tried to renegotiate our deal.
8. One of our last offers he was trying to pay us a fraction of what we put in to starship universe and make monthly payments to us as if we gave him a loan.
9. Starship has a contract stating that it owns 100% of the IP. We have messages from Tymor stating he was upgrading this 2d game to 3d. The same game we own 100% of the Ip.
10. We have a written agreement and our verbal agreement and meetings are recorded.
11. I asked the core team to not market or promote SSU as soon as the dispute came up regarding ownership of SSU.
12. Both Tymor and Jamye disregarded this request amd continued to push a product under our brand that could potentially never launch under it.
13. Our attorney requested that this information be made public immediately because we could be at risk for "fraudulent concealment" if we continued to make sales on a product with the current information we have.
18 Sep 2022, 22:54
Following Matt's statement, I can confirm that I did not withdraw the WAX from the Kyanitelpnft wallet.
I am looking through the communications I have with all potential parties who could have had access and finding discrepancies between them and the communications that I backed up.
So far, I can confirm that Jouse from Onikami has the keys. We believe that Jouse provided those keys to Brandon and Tymor during the transition of him leaving and them joining StarShip, but we have not yet confirmed that this is the case.
We have been working with our blockchain developer to change the keys, a process that he advised involved searching for references to the keys within the game, which were not immediately obvious and would therefore require time to identify and update. He warned that problems within the game would arise if anything was done incorrectly or incompletely. He assured us that he would complete this process tomorrow and is currently doing the final tests.
I'll share updates as soon as I can.
Following Matt's statement, I can confirm that I did not withdraw the WAX from the Kyanitelpnft wallet.
Following Matt's statement, I can confirm that I did not withdraw the WAX from the Kyanitelpnft wallet.
I am looking through the communications I have with all potential parties who could have had access and finding discrepancies between them and the communications that I backed up.
So far, I can confirm that Jouse from Onikami has the keys. We believe that Jouse provided those keys to Brandon and Tymor during the transition of him leaving and them joining StarShip, but we have not yet confirmed that this is the case.
We have been working with our blockchain developer to change the keys, a process that he advised involved searching for references to the keys within the game, which were not immediately obvious and would therefore require time to identify and update. He warned that problems within the game would arise if anything was done incorrectly or incompletely. He assured us that he would complete this process tomorrow and is currently doing the final tests.
I'll share updates as soon as I can.