Very soon we will be listed on the buy/sell bitcoin ATMs. This company is licensed and registered in the United States.

28 Oct 2022, 18:52
Very soon we will be listed on the buy/sell bitcoin ATMs. This company is licensed and registered in the United States. If you or anyone you know would like to start a bitcoin ATM business please reach out to @Starshipstu and provide your name, email, cellphone number and we will have the owners get in contact with you. Every existing and newly placed ATM will have starship token listed. This will be one of the necessary moves to make starship more accessible. Its almost a hands-free business too. Cash is picked up and dropped off by armored vehicles, banking and liquidity is already provided. As far as I can tell you need to reset machines that go down and install them. If you are interested in helping expand starships accessibility then reach out to stuart or open a ticket in discord and provide stuart the information.